Managing Software on a Multiuser Linux System
Posted on Tue 25 June 2019 in how-to
When I started my Ph.D. I had a good amount of experience working in a Linux environment on my own computers. Mostly as a hobby. My advisor had bought a small server several years previous for a post-doc's project and I was offered this system to use for my day-to-day work. It doesn't set any speed records, but it is a 24 thread system with 75gb of RAM and 12TB of storage. This makes it perfect for running analyses that I wouldn't want to do on my laptop, but need to be tweaked repeatedly and therefore are awkward to run on the university HPC. I also use this server for jupyter notebooks and it still handles a few users at a time well.
Since this system was starting from a blank slate I decided to implement some simple rules for system management. When I started out I was the only user, but since then we've added several others and this plan has held up. This is going to be heavily biased toward running a small server for computational work that's shared between < 10 users, because that's what I do.
These are ordered, but feel free to ignore that. They're really more like general tips.
0. Run a Well-Supported (Popular) Linux Server Distro
I know, I know, I know. You may have a favorite Linux distribution. It might be Fedora, or Mint, or Manjaro (that's what I've been using). You might use Arch, you might be a masochist, or you may enjoy running something with an innovative package management system like Guix or NixOS.
Maybe you just don't know why everyone uses this *nix stuff and don't know why you can't just bioinformatics in Excel.

You're welcome to use something flashier, but I'd recommend sticking to Ubuntu Server or CentOS. Fedora Server might also be a good choice. Especially with Ubuntu potentially not shipping 32bit support in the future. For those with more time or inclination to fiddle around, Debian would also make a good research computing environment. The reason for this is that most software that's already packaged will be either in .deb (Debian and derivate, including Ubuntu) or .rpm (Redhat, Fedora, SUSE) format. Can you extract these packages and install them on other systems? Sure. Are you going to want to do that every time you update stuff. No.
You also want to make sure that required libraries for software you may need to compile are available without much fussing around straight from the repositories. You'll have to do enough annoying things. Don't make this annoying.
1. Revoke Other Users' sudo Privileges
This may seem obvious but you'd be surprised how many academic labs don't think about this on their private server (if they have one). It's hard to overstate the terrible time you'll have as a sysadmin if another one of your users types the dreaded:
sudo rm -r /
sudo rm -r /*
It's easy to forget that "." before the "/".
Or, less catasrophically, that user may try installing software in a brittle way. Meaning, you, the humble pseudo-sysadmin who's not actually getting paid for sysadmin tasks, will have to spend time fixing it.
All it takes is for you, the SUPER USER, the GOD OF THE SERVER, to run:
sudo deluser {USERNAME} sudo
Replace {USERNAME} with the user to remove.
2. Don't Blindly Install Software From Your Distro's Repos
I did just say to pick a distro with lots of stuff in the repos, right? Yes, but particularly in scientific/research computing you really really really can't assume these repos are anything close to up-to-date. Don't be afraid to download the source code and compile, or even easier, there is likely a prebuilt binary release available on the project's github.
As an example, if you're running the most recent LTS version of Ubuntu (18.04) then the version of samtools available to you is v1.7 which is a year and a half old at the time of writing. If you have control of the system, then at least try to install the most recent stable versions of critical software.
3. Use an Easily Followed Convention for Manual Software Installation
When you need to download software and install it manually put it somewhere easy to remember, and easy to find for others. I put manually installed software in /opt/software_version and symlink the binaries to /usr/local/bin/. This way, you quickly know what you have manually installed, and what version they are just from the directory structure. You also make everything available in the $PATH and runnable with just the program name.
The worst thing that can happen in a broken symlink if you change software versions, and that's an easy fix with a:
sudo ln -s /path/to/binary /usr/local/bin
4. Encourage Users To Test Software in ~/bin
Create a private bin directory inside each user's home folder. This is often pre-configured in each user's path. If not you'll need to add it to each user's .bashrc or .profile or .bash_profile, depending on which is the preferred method for your distro:
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
Let your users test and if multiple people need it, or they're running something all the time, then you can install it system-wide in /opt.
5. Encourage Python Users to Set Up pyenv
Linux systems use Python under the hood a lot. Much of the system depends on python, and your distro's package manager has already likely installed many python packages. However, these versions are likely old and frozen at the version number that shipped with the OS. I dislike running software that is years out of date. Python's package management with pip is kind of a mess and it doesn't know which packages are needed by the system, and which are installed with it. This is improving over time, but it's still not good.
To avoid this, users should install the most recent stable version of Python. Pyenv gives you a relatively easy and very lightweight way to do this. It also allows the system packages to coexist peacefully in the root directory so it's harder to break things. Plus, the users get the latest Python features.
The pyenv github has relatively easy to follow instructions.
6. Use User-specific Language Libraries/Packages
This pops up for us with both python and R. It boils down to never, ever, using:
sudo pip install {PACKAGE_NAME}
sudo R
If users can't use sudo there's no danger here anyway, but using user-specific libraries and packages keeps things consistent. It also means that, once again, you don't have to manage something. The following will solve this for Python:
pip install --user {PACKAGE_NAME}
This installs packages to ~/.local/lib/python{VERSION}/site-packages
R requires a bit more doing. To create a user-library I recommend creating a .Renviron in each user's home directory and adding the following to it.
# .Renviron is run every time a new R session is started
# Use .Renviron to set environment variables for R
# Use the local R library
Wrapping up
In summary, administering a small multi-user system doesn't have to be complicated. You do want to minimize the ability for your users to break things though. By no means is this an exhaustive guide, but it might help you out if you're wondering where to start.
Despite the proliferation of HPC systems at Universities, and cloud computing in enterprise environments, a smaller server for your research group is still a good investment in 2019. Submitting jobs to a queue is fine when you're not doing iterative work, but if you want to quickly test things it gets old really quick. Likewise, you can easily get hardware on-par with a remote VM and it's more readily accessed.
Tune in next time for something more bioinformatics-focused!