I'm Jeff. A Bioinformatics Scientist.
I live at the intersection between big data and biology (and buzzwords), and am interested in applying concepts from data and computer science in bioinformatics and beyond!
I code in , , , and anything else that piques my interest.
I can manage a multi-user Linux server environment and I live on the command line .
I believe in open science, open source software, and reproducible data analysis.
I've assembled transcriptomes, called genetic variants, annotated small RNA loci , and compared methylomes using sequencing data.
I can create an analysis pipeline and deploy it on high performance computing clusters, cloud resources, or create visualizations and explore data in a notebook.
I'm a Ph.D. graduate of the Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program at The University of Arizona. There, I worked in the Mosher Lab studying RNA-directed DNA methylation with next-generation sequencing techniques.
While you're here you can learn something about me or check out my blog where I post how-tos, thoughts on bioinformatics, and general nonsense.