The Snakemake Tutorial I Wish I Had
Posted on Mon 19 August 2019 in how-to
Over the past few years the use of workflow managers in genomics and bioinformatics has grown greatly. This is a great thing for the field and adds to our ability to perform reproducible analyses, especially for pipelines with many steps. These are common in bioinformatics, but prior to the use of workflow managers they were mostly handled with BASH scripts. While a good BASH script is perfectly acceptable much of the time they aren't very portable and don't handle multithreading and concurrent processes without annoying hacks. For a one-off analysis that's all fine, but what about a pipeline you need to run many times? This is where a workflow manager really shines, especially when combined with containers.
I decided to implement two pipelines that we use often here in the Mosher Lab as Snakemake workflows. We work with a lot of small RNA sequencing and recently some whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data. There are already available pipelines for WGBS, but they seem like overkill and writing my own is a good way to learn the ins and outs of Snakemake.
I chose Snakemake over other workflow managers due to its already frequent use in bioinformatics workflows and my familiarity with Python. However, Nextflow also seems like a solid option as well. I found much of the official documentation very lacking in useful examples though. I ended up consulting numerous workflows available on Github. The issue there is also that a lot of them are trying to do too much IMHO. So, I figured I'd write the tutorial I wish I had been able to find.
Step 0 - Install Snakemake and Your Workflow's Software Dependencies
I'm assuming you're on some kind of Linux system. Though, these directions may also work on macOS. Your first step should be to install Snakemake:
pip install --user Snakemake
I always recommend not using your system python. If you're on a non-rolling
release distribution, or on macOS it's probably super outdated. I use
pyenv to manage my Python installations, though
there are other options. I also never use sudo
to install python packages.
The WGBS workflow consists of several steps which can be represented by this DAG (Snakemake can make these! Neat-o!)

You can boil it down to:
- Index the reference genome with bwa-meth (needed for bwa-meth alignment)
- Index the reference genome with samtools faidx (needed for MethylDackel)
- Quality reporting with FastQC
- Trimming adapters with Trim Galore
- Quality reporting on trimmed reads (FastQC again)
- Alignment with bwa-meth
- Sorting with samtools sort
- Marking PCR duplicates with Picard Tools
- Detecting bias and extracting per-cytosine percent methylation with MethylDackel
- Determining fold-coverage with mosdepth and a little python script
Not a super complicated workflow, but enough to demonstrate a read-world use of Snakemake. A workflow that's complicated enough you don't want to run each step separately either.
I don't expect anyone to replicate this exact workflow, but it's a useful example.
Step 1 - Learn Some Snakemake Basics
There are some basics to explain before I start throwing code around. Firstly, Snakemake does not work you way you might think, it actually works backwards from a set of target files through a set of rules. You may think this sounds unnecessarily confusing, but there is a good reason for this. When Snakemake begins a workflow, this ensures that (as long as you don't do anything too weird) it will not fail for trivial reasons like files not being generated as inputs to other rules. It creates a directed acyclic graph representing the workflow for each sample that it can match through wildcards to your targets. It will use the rules you define in its main script (the Snakefile) to create a path from targets to inputs (samples). This is backwards from the way we think, and there are workflow managers that do push rather than pull. Each has their advantages and disadvantages.
Another key concept is that your rules live in a Snakefile
, just a Python
script with extra syntax. So, you can use Python code in it! Keep this in mind,
and you can do some neat things (creating sample tables for differential
expression, etc.).
Typically, the first rule in a Snakefile is called "all" and this rule will indicate the targets that you want to generate. This tells Snakemake to start and use the rules to try to make them based on wildcard matching with the inputs.
Additionally, it's good practice to include the options you'd like a user to be able to configure in a .json or .yaml file. You can think of these files like a python dictionary in static file form (pickling).
Step 2 - Create a Rule
Create a blank file called Snakefile
in the directory you're using for
development and fill it with this:
# Run fastqc on the raw .fastq.gz files
rule fastqc_raw:
out_dir = '1_fastqc_raw/'
'fastqc -o {params.out_dir} {input}'
This is the first rule in our workflow, running FastQC on the input files. In the
are wildcards. While they have names, they are only there for
readability right now. The only param
we're currently passing to it is the
output directory, but this is where your options would be. Snakemake will check
whether the input
for a rule can be made before allowing the workflow to start.
Therefore, if your workflow starts, it should finish. However, we need a rule
"all" which will tell it to be run.
Add the following to the Snakefile before the fastqc rule:
rule all:
sample=SAMPLES, mate=[1, 2], ext=['html', 'zip'])
This tells the workflow which targets to create. In this command, expand
instructs Snakemake to fill in all things which match the wildcards. So, this
indicates that all files which match this pattern when filled in are the
targets. You can use expand
in other rules, too. When you want multiple
files as input that may be created asynchronously in previous rules. We're still
missing a very important thing though! The input files! For that, create another
file, config.yaml
, in the same directory and add this to it:
- Sample1
- Sample2
- etc...
Your samples
are yaml entries without names (you could name them if you want),
and should not include read pair numbers (so 1 ID for each pair). The sample
IDs should match what is in rule all
in place of {sample}
. The config.yaml
is also where the options for your workflow steps can live, under their own
headings. Now, go back to your Snakefile and add this above your rules:
# Get overall workflow parameters from config.yaml
configfile: 'config.yaml'
SAMPLES = config['samples']
This parses the config file into a Python dictionary. Do you see how SAMPLES
filled in for {sample}
in rule all
which then creates a target which can
be generated by rule fastqc_raw
. It's kind of a mind-bender at first, but it
all fits together.
Save all these files and include some test data in a subdirectory called "input_data".
Step 2 - Running Your First Rules
I copied one sample to my input_data
directory and added it to the .yaml file:
- JWG3_2_2
Now run the workflow from the directory you're developing in with
snakemake --cores #
[groverj3@x1-carbon snakemake_test]$ snakemake --cores 2
Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /usr/bin/bash
Provided cores: 2
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 all
2 fastqc_raw
[Mon Aug 19 23:30:46 2019]
rule fastqc_raw:
input: input_data/JWG3_2_2_R2.fastq.gz
output: 1_fastqc_raw/JWG3_2_2_R2_fastqc.html, 1_fastqc_raw/
jobid: 2
wildcards: sample=JWG3_2_2, mate=2
[Mon Aug 19 23:30:46 2019]
rule fastqc_raw:
input: input_data/JWG3_2_2_R1.fastq.gz
output: 1_fastqc_raw/JWG3_2_2_R1_fastqc.html, 1_fastqc_raw/
jobid: 1
wildcards: sample=JWG3_2_2, mate=1
Started analysis of JWG3_2_2_R1.fastq.gzStarted analysis of JWG3_2_2_R2.fastq.gz
I ran it with --cores 2
, but I did not include a threads
parameter to the
rule in addition in input
, output
, params
, and shell
. So, it only thinks
the rule fastqc_raw
requires one processor. This means it will parallelize
samples through that rule up to the maximum you give it at run-time! This is
handy. Do you see now how this is better than a bash script? It intelligently
replaces processes that can be run in parallel, but if you specify a number of
for the rule it will wait until those cores are available.
Let's add a few more rules.
Step 3 - Add Rules
I'm going to add a bunch of rules. Don't freak out. Our Snakefile
now looks
like this:
# Get overall workflow parameters from config.yaml
configfile: 'config.yaml'
SAMPLES = config['samples']
REFERENCE_GENOME = config['reference_genome']
rule all:
sample=SAMPLES, mate=[1, 2], ext=['html', 'zip'])
# Index the reference genome
# ancient() will assume the reference is older than output files if they exist
rule bwameth_index:
REFERENCE_GENOME + '.bwameth.c2t',
REFERENCE_GENOME + '.bwameth.c2t.amb',
REFERENCE_GENOME + '.bwameth.c2t.ann',
REFERENCE_GENOME + '.bwameth.c2t.bwt',
REFERENCE_GENOME + '.bwameth.c2t.pac',
bwameth_path = config['paths']['bwameth_path'],
'{params.bwameth_path} index {input}'
# Run fastqc on the raw .fastq.gz files
rule fastqc_raw:
fastqc_path = config['paths']['fastqc_path'],
out_dir = '1_fastqc_raw/'
'{params.fastqc_path} -o {params.out_dir} {input}'
# Trim the read pairs
rule trim_galore:
R1 = 'input_data/{sample}_R1.fastq.gz',
R2 = 'input_data/{sample}_R2.fastq.gz'
adapter_seq = config['trim_galore']['adapter_seq'],
out_dir = '2_trim_galore',
trim_galore_path = config['paths']['trim_galore_path']
{params.trim_galore_path} \
--a {params.adapter_seq} \
--gzip \
--trim-n \
--quality 20 \
--output_dir {params.out_dir} \
--paired \
{input.R1} {input.R2} \
# Run fastqc on the trimmmed reads
rule fastqc_trimmmed:
fq_gz = '2_trim_galore/{sample}_R{mate}_val_{mate}.fq.gz'
fastqc_path = config['paths']['fastqc_path'],
out_dir = '2_trim_galore/'
'{params.fastqc_path} -o {params.out_dir} {input.fq_gz}'
# Align to the reference
rule bwameth_align:
R1 = '2_trim_galore/{sample}_R1_val_1.fq.gz',
R2 = '2_trim_galore/{sample}_R2_val_2.fq.gz'
bwameth_path = config['paths']['bwameth_path'],
{params.bwameth_path} \
-t {threads} \
--reference {params.genome} \
{input.R1} {input.R2} \
2> {log} \
| samtools view -b - \
> {output}
And the config.yaml
looks like this:
- JWG3_2_2_
# Samples should be reported by ID rather than filenames, and exclude the
# trailing "R1" and "R2", one sample ID per pair. If samples are supplied as
# separate .fastq.gz files within each pair concatenate them to a single R1 and
# R2 file prior to running.
# Path to reference genome here with .fasta extension
# Options for individual workflow steps
# Configure threads for each step as desired, this is a sane starting point
quality : 20
threads : 10
# Paths to individual tools
# You probably don't need to change this unless programs are not in your $PATH
fastqc_path : fastqc
trim_galore_path : trim_galore
bwameth_path :
That's a lot to take in, so a few words of explanation are in order. I have moved
paths for the individual programs to a section in the config file. This is to
help with potential portability problems. On some server you may have tools
installed in directories outside your $PATH
. They are pre-filled with just the
tool name, so they work fine when programs are executable from a command prompt
but this allows configuration (it's also at the bottom of the file because most
users shouldn't have to change it). I also now have a section containing options
for each tool that's run. Which you can pull out of the dictionary made from the
in each step's params
using . (dot) notation. I've allocated 10
threads to the alignment step. This means it won't run if there aren't 10 threads
available due to other rules running more than 10 concurrent processes.
There are also multiple targets now. This is because the output from
rule fastqc_trimmed
is not used as input to another rule. Unless you explicitly
tell Snakemake to run that rule to generate its target it will not run and
you will get very annoyed.
It's a lot to take in, but this is essentially a usable workflow.
Step 4 - Wrapping Up + A Few Tips
You can now add rules to your heart's content. Keep in mind though, you need to change your targets! Otherwise, it won't run your new rules :(.
Also, you're probably wondering what happens when you don't actually have enough
CPUs to run that rule with 10 threads. Just change the --cores
argument at
run-time to a lower number. It will reduce that rule's threads
to the number
Another thing to consider is that Snakemake has the ability to work with HPC job
submission frameworks like SLURM and PBS. Though, it's not really that difficult
to include snakemake --cores #
in a normal .pbs script. It also plays nice with
containers (Docker and Singularity). So, if you package up your software in one
you have automation and deployability all-in-one!
If you're curious what the full workflow looks like then check it out!